sentence analysis


This language document is designed for 6-12-year-old children to do sentence analysis.

This sentence analysis printable material is used for reading and logical analysis of sentences and sentence construction. It helps children to identify parts of sentences and phrases. 

This Montessori sentence analysis PDF is ideal for teachers, parents as it contains all question cards, circles, and arrows required for sentence analysis. Both colored and black & white versions are available. It also includes adverbial phrase questions to understand the structure of complex sentences.

Just print and paste question cards back to back and get ready for the grammar exercise. By using simple analysis questions, the child moves from concrete to conceptual awareness of sentence structure.

Download the Sentence Analysis material and start analyzing the sentences a Montessori Way.

To watch the video lesson on how to do sentence analysis using this material, click here.

Related Video Resources 

To watch more sentence analysis video lessons using the sentence analysis materials, visit:

  1. Sentence Analysis: Learning about Adverbial Phrases
  2. Subject and Predicate: More Examples
  3. Subject, Predicate and Direct Objects
  4. Subject, Predicate, Direct and Indirect Objects
  5. Attributes

Copy the link in the browser to view and learn more language lessons-

Created and provided by Justine McNeilly (Metro East Montessori, Granite City, IL) under the following license:


  • document
  • Elementary
  • English
  • Language
  • printable