This language video lesson is designed for 3-6-year-old children. It allows the children to represent the days of the week in American Sign Language (ASL), using hand and face movements.

ASL or American Sign Language is primarily used for communication by children who are deaf or hard of hearing. However, any child can learn it. It makes children communicate easily with parents, teachers, and administrators, especially when they cannot express themselves.

In our previous video lesson, we learned about what is American sign language (ASL), its benefits, and how to sign numbers in ASL. We also learned about how learning sign language helps in meeting the diverse needs of the classroom. In this video lesson, we will learn how to sign the different days of the week in ASL.

How do You Say ‘Days of the Week’ in ASL?

To say the word “days of the week, in ASL”: fold the dominant hand into an index-finger hand shape, then move it over the palm of the non-dominant hand.

Another option is to fold the left hand (or non-dominant hand) in an “index finger” handshape, palm facing right. Slide the right hand outward over the left hand and index finger.

How to Sign on Different Days of the Week in American Sign Language (ASL)?

  • Monday: To sign Monday in ASL, fold the thumb under the fingers except for the little finger to make an ‘M.’ Turn it towards you and move it in a small circle.
  • Tuesday: To sign Tuesday in ASL, fold the thumb between the index finger and the middle finger to make a T. Now, take the “T-hand, ” move it towards you, and move it in a small circle (same as Monday).
  • Wednesday: To sign Wednesday in ASL, open the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger to make a W. Now, turn the “W-hand” towards you and move it in a circle.
  • Thursday: To sign Thursday in ASL, open your index finger and middle finger together. Place the thumb on the fingers to make an H. Move the H hand in a circular motion.
  • Friday: To sign Friday in ASL, join the thumb and index finger to make an Ok sign. Face it towards you and move in a circular motion. 
  • Saturday: To sign Saturday in ASL, make a fist, place your thumb next to the index finger, turn it towards you, and move in a circle.
  • Sunday: To sign Sunday in ASL, open both hands, palms facing outside, and move them in a circular motion.

Let the child repeat this signing exercise along with the video and express themselves using ASL.

Related American sign language lessons

  1. Alphabets
  2. Colors
  3. Numbers 1-20

To watch and learn more about Montessori language lessons, click here.

Video created by Pocatello Valley Montessori (Idaho)


  • What is every day in ASL?

To sign every day in ASL, brush your dominant hand against your cheek twice as you form the letter A sign in ASL, starting from your ear and going past your face.

  • What day is today in ASL?

To sign today in ASL, extend your thumb and index fingers by bending your three middle fingers inward on each hand to make the letter Y in ASL. As you raise your hands, bring them to hip level. Today is signed exactly like now.

  • How to sign a day in ASL?

To sign day in ASL, fold the dominant hand into a flat hand shape facing towards another arm, then move it over the palm of the non-dominant hand touching the elbow of the other arm.


  • American Sign Language
  • English
  • Language
  • primary