importance of grammar

This video lesson is designed for 6 to 12-year-old children. This lesson is about how grammar can be introduced to the child at an early development stage.

What is Grammar?

Grammar in the Montessori environment is very dynamic and constructive.

By constructive, it means children should learn to love grammar and to communicate cohesively in any language. It is an agreement to speak in a certain way.

When to Introduce Grammar to the Child?

Grammar should be introduced to the child either through a textbook or dynamic lessons once they have attained the reasoning and imagining mind.

How to Introduce Grammar Study to a Child?

Dr. Maria Montessori once said that “The relationship between words and sentences should seem natural and interesting to the child.” She helped children to understand the practical use of grammar. She divided grammar into reading and writing commands that are interpreted through actions.

Since children seem to respond well to shapes and colors, she decided to use colored shapes to represent the various parts of speech. Each shape and color has a meaning.

Watch the video to understand Montessori grammar symbols and the parts of speech (noun, article, adjectives, verb, adverb, preposition, pronoun, conjunction, and interjection) it represents.

The child first learns about parts of speech and then moves to the parts of a sentence. Invite the child to play a few grammar activities, as shown in the video. Allow them to understand grammar independently and to analyze communication while creating their elegant writing.

For more language resources, visit:

Video created by Aishwarya | I teach I learn

Elementary | Language | Grammar (English)

This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.


  • Elementary
  • English
  • grammar
  • Language