3 Period Lesson with Real Objects

This video lesson is designed for 3-6-year-old children to introduce real objects with the help of a three-period lesson.

What is a Three-Period Lesson, and Why is it Introduced to a Child?

Three Period Lesson is a hallmark of Montessori education used to introduce a concept or vocabulary and demonstrate the purpose of a material to a child. These lessons follow a slower and easy absorption process. It isolates the concept and reinforces each step or component of a lesson as necessary.

The Three Period Lesson involves three steps: naming, recognition, and recall.
1. Naming (Introduction)
2. Recognizing (Identification)
3. Recalling (Cognition)

Let us understand them in detail:

  1. Naming

Introduce a new object or concept by simply labeling: “This is …..” while showing it to the child. For example, This is an orange. Orange is a fruit. Let the child touch the object and explore it.

Note: The fewer words used, the easier it will be for the toddler to connect the word, the object, and the concept.

  1. Recognition

Once the object or concept is introduced, ask the child, “where is it?”. The parents or teachers can convert the recognition step into games such as the I-spy game. For example: where is orange? Can you find orange under the table?

It helps a child to become familiar with the object or concept more easily. Let them grasp the concept at their own pace.

  1. Recall

Once the child recognizes the object or concept, ask them, “What is this?” while pointing at the object. Add more fun by asking the toddler exciting questions such as “Which fruit is orange?” or hiding them under a cloth and asking, “Which fruit is missing?”

 Watch the video to learn more about the three-period lessons and help the child understand real objects

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Video created by Kata Lovassy

Primary | Language | 3 Period Lesson with Real Objects (English)

This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.



  • English
  • Language
  • primary