phonic sound of b

This video lesson is designed for children aged 3-6 years to teach them the phonic sound of the letter ‘b’ and how to pronounce the words starting with it.

Learning the phonics sounds of the alphabet is the first step in learning spelling and vocabulary. Phonics helps children read faster and more fluently.

In our previous video lesson, we learned about what phonics is, the benefits of learning phonics, and the phonic sound of a. This video lesson is the 2nd in a row of learning phonics. 

Why is it Important to Learn Letter Sounds?

In Phonics, the alphabetic principle is used so that children can concentrate on understanding the meaning of the words, which is the core purpose of reading. It becomes easier to learn to read and write when sounds associated with letters are recognized automatically.

The alphabetic principle has two parts:

  1. Understanding the alphabetic involves knowing that words are composed of letters that represent sounds.
  2. In the phonological recording, the letters or sounds in printed words can be translated into the sounds they make so the words can be read and pronounced correctly.

Pronunciation of ‘b’, or Sounds of the Letter ‘b’

Among a few consonants that sound short and fast in phonics, the letter b is one of them. 

To pronounce /b/, the vocal cords vibrate. The sound of the letter /b/ is an explosive sound made by puffing the air in the mouth, then stopping it by the lips for a microsecond, and is then released with a bit of force.

Sound of /b/ heard like a buh sound. Despite this, the -uh part of the word isn’t actually pronounced. As a result, you can’t stretch the /b/ sound by saying buhhhh. 

In this video, the child will explore the short consonant sound of the letter ‘b’, and learn words starting with it, such as a bee, book, basket, and brush. 

The sounds of the letter ‘b’ are repeated for each word so that the child can hear and pronounce the words accurately.

More Pronunciation Videos:

  1. Pronunciation of the letter ‘c’
  2. Pronunciation of the letter ‘d’
  3. Pronunciation of the letter ‘e’
  4. Pronunciation of the letter ‘f’

 To watch more English language video resources, click here

Video created by: Strykun Olena


  • What is the sound of “b”?

The sound of “b” is a voiced bilabial plosive. This means that it is made by closing the lips together and then releasing the air, which causes the vocal cords to vibrate.

  • What are some common mistakes that people make when saying the sound of “b”?Some common mistakes that people make when saying the sound of “b” include:
    • pronouncing it as a voiceless bilabial plosive (this is the sound of “p”), which means that the vocal cords do not vibrate.
    • pronouncing it as a voiced alveolar plosive (this is the sound of “d”), which means that the tongue is placed against the alveolar ridge (the ridge behind the upper teeth) instead of the lips.
    • leaving out the sound of “b” altogether.
  • How can I improve my pronunciation of the sound of “b”?

Here are some tips on how to improve your pronunciation of the sound of “b”:

    • Practice saying the sound of “b” slowly and carefully.
    • Pay attention to the vibration of your vocal cords.
    • Place your lips together and then release the air slowly.
    • Practice saying words that start and end with the sound of “b”.


  • English
  • Language
  • phonic sound
  • primary
  • pronunciation