Alphabetical Order

This video lesson is designed for 6 to 12-year-old children to teach them how to arrange words in alphabetical order.

What is an Alphabetical Order?

Alphabetical order is a system of ordering things according to the letters in their names. The ability to learn alphabetical order is a practical skill that is useful in many areas of life.

What is the right way to introduce alphabetizing to the child? Let us understand with 4 simple rules.

What are the Rules of Alphabetizing?

Children go through four rules/ stages when learning order and sequencing.

Rule 1: Putting Alphabet Letters in Order- 

In this stage, a child will learn to arrange letters in A to Z order. It can be done using sandpaper letters, flashcards, or letter tiles. Additionally, one can ask them to arrange the tiles in the correct order by mixing up the order of the tiles. 

When the child is familiar with the letter order in the alphabet, it is time to move on to more complicated alphabetizing activities.

Rule 2: Alphabetizing Based on the First Letter of the Word

In this stage, children learn how to alphabetize words using only the first letter of each word. 

Rule 3: Alphabetizing Based on the Second and Third Letters

As your child grows, they will come across many words or items which start with the same letter (for example, silk, sandwich, slate, slope, or star). The next step is to examine the second and third letters of the word and alphabetize them correctly.

Watch the video to learn how to alphabetize words based on Rule 2 and 3 of the ABC order.

Arranging words in alphabetical order is also an excellent opportunity to introduce and practice prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

Rule 4: Alphabetizing Based on the Fourth and Fifth Letters or Surnames (Advanced Alphabetizing)

In this stage, a child will learn how to alphabetize words that are the same as the first three letters (such as seat, seal, and sea) or tricky words such as last names (McAfee, McAuley, and O’Kearney) or book titles that start with The and numbers.

What Type of Words to Use for Teaching Alphabetical Order to the Child?

  • spelling words
  • vocabulary words for any subject
  • sight words
  • word family words
  • Nouns/ Pronouns

Why is the ABC Order Important for a Child?

At an early age of development, children are introduced to order, sequencing, unfamiliar words, and phonic sound. ABC order is a building block of learning a language. 

Despite modern technology, alphabetizing is still widely used. It is a lifelong skill commonly used in our day-to-day life. It helps a child achieve mastery in academics. Thus, making it essential to learn and implement. 

The Alphabetical Order Helps a Child to:

  • Find a song on a playlist.
  • Find a phone number in the phone directory or public directories.
  • File a document.
  • Locate a recipe in a recipe box
  • Locate a house, store, or shop.
  • Search for an address in an area
  • Read the index of the book to locate a page
  • Find a book in the library
  • And many more!

Benefits of Learning ABC Order to the Child

Learning ABC order is a fundamental skill that has numerous benefits for children. Here are the top 5 benefits:

  • It teaches them sequence and order: One of the most significant benefits of learning alphabetical order is that it helps children understand the concept of sequence and order. This is a fundamental skill that is essential in many areas of learning, including math, science, and reading. By mastering alphabetical order, children learn to recognize patterns and sequences, which helps them better understand and organize information.
  • It builds concentration and memory: Not only does it provide a strong foundation for learning and mastering other skills, but it also promotes cognitive development and enhances overall academic performance.
  • It enhances observation and spatial skills: Learning ABC order also helps children to develop their visual and spatial awareness. As they learn to identify and order letters, they begin to recognize patterns and develop a sense of spatial awareness that can be applied to other areas of learning.
  • It teaches phonetic principles: Mastering ABC order is an essential skill for reading and writing. Children need to be able to recognize and order letters to form words and sentences. By mastering ABC order, children are better equipped to read and write fluently, which enhances their overall academic performance.
  • It improves vocabulary and language skills: Learning ABC order provides a foundation for alphabetizing words and organizing information more efficiently. Alphabetizing is an important skill used in libraries, dictionaries, and when organizing data, such as lists of names or addresses. By mastering ABC order, children learn to alphabetize words, which, in turn, help them organize information more efficiently.

As a whole, ABC order encourages confidence and proficiency in language usage while also nurturing cognitive skills that can benefit children in all areas of their lives.

How to Teach Alphabetizing to Children?

There are many ways to teach it, but here are some methods that work best for teaching alphabetical order:

  • Put word cards in front of the child and ask them to arrange them in alphabetical order.
  • Place objects in a row and ask the child what letter each object begins.
  • Put the objects in a mystery bag and ask them to draw one object and guess the word. Ask the child to put those objects in alphabetical order.
  • Give the child some flashcards and ask them to arrange them in alphabetical order.

Let the child repeat these alphabetizing activities and inhibit lifelong learning skills.

Watch the video on alphabetizing and encourage the child to practice using word cards.

Related Video Resources

Other language activities related to alphabetizing:

  1. Vocabulary name lessons
  2. Beginning sound set 1A
  3. Begining sound set 1B
  4. Beginning sound set 2

For more language resources, click here

Video Created by: Justine McNeilly


  • What is alphabetical order?

Alphabetical order is the arrangement of letters or words according to their position in the alphabet. In English, the alphabet consists of 26 letters, and alphabetical order begins with the letter “A” and ends with the letter “Z.”

  • Why is learning alphabetical order important?

Learning alphabetical order is important because it helps children understand the concept of sequence and order. This is a fundamental skill that is essential in many areas of learning, including math, science, and reading. By mastering alphabetical order, children learn to recognize patterns and sequences, which helps them better understand and organize information.

  • What are the benefits of learning alphabetical order?

The benefits of learning alphabetical order include promoting cognitive development, enhancing overall academic performance, improving visual and spatial awareness, and providing a foundation for alphabetizing words and organizing information more efficiently. Additionally, mastering alphabetical order is an essential skill for reading and writing.


  • Elementary
  • English
  • Language