montessori 3 part cards

This language lesson is designed for 3 to 6-year-old children to guide them to build vocabulary using 3-part cards.

What are Montessori 3-Part Cards?

Montessori 3-Part Cards are also known as nomenclature cards as it has 3 cards to enrich a child’s language skills, grow vocabulary, perfect spelling, classify material, and build connections. The “3 parts” card comprises: 

  1. The picture-only card
  2. The word-only card
  3. The whole card or the control card. It is a combination of the above 2 (both picture and word). 

Benefits of Montessori Nomenclature Cards

  • It can be used by children of all ages since it offers a versatile learning method that children of all ages can enjoy.  
  • It helps in developing the child’s reading, writing, and spelling skills.
  • It also helps them in the classification of objects grouped by similar traits.
  • It improves their cognitive skills. 
  • It allows children to connect real objects with their pictures.

Where Do You Get Montessori 3-Part Cards?

3-part cards can be purchased from different websites or can be created at home by printing and laminating pictures. You can download grammar 3-part cards from here.

How To Use Montessori 3-Part Cards?

Below is a chart of the different age groups and how they use Montessori nomenclature cards to learn different things. 

  • 1-3 Years: Matching images, Matching objects with images, Learning names of things
  • 3-6 Years: Matching images to words, Matching similar images, matching words
  • 6-9 Years: Learning names of things, Matching images to words, learning definitions, and research.

How to Introduce the Montessori Nomenclature Cards Activity to the Child?

This activity is demonstrated by using all three parts of the cards, i.e. picture cards, labels, and control cards

  1. Invite the child to the table and tell them today we will learn new words.
  2. Lay out the control cards one by one and introduce them to the child. 
  3. After introducing the images, place the cards in a column or row.
  4. Once all the control cards are introduced, ask the child to match the picture cards with the control cards by spelling their pronunciation.
  5. Continue matching all the picture cards with the control cards.
  6. Once all the picture cards are matched with the control cards, ask the child to match the name cards with the control cards.
  7. Continue matching all the name cards with the control cards.
  8. Place the label under the relevant picture
  9. Please note, when introducing any card, keep repeating the pronunciation of the word.
  10. In the end, take the control cards which have both the picture and label on them, and invite your child to place them next to the matching cards and labels.
  11. Collect the three types of cards (pictures, labels, and cards with the picture and label), mix them up within their sets, and encourage the child to repeat the activity.

This video lesson introduces a child to the objects present in the house, such as a cabinet, lamp, toilet, and many more using 3-part cards. 

This method is a fun and interactive way of developing the child’s logical thinking and practicing hand-eye coordination. Let the child boost their confidence and improve their working memory with this fun and creative activity.

Watch the video and learn how 3-part cards are introduced to primary-level children in Montessori classrooms.

Related Worksheets and Printable:

For more pronunciation and English language resources, click here

Video Created by: Joanne Shango


  • language development
  • Montessori at home
  • primary level