
This practical life lesson is designed for 3-6-year-old (kindergarten) children. It guides the child on how the repetition of activities can help them in day to day activities.

At the first House of Children, ‘Casa Dei Bambini,’ Dr. Maria Montessori observed with her loving yet unprejudiced eyes that a three-year-old girl repeating the ‘Cylinder Blocks’ activity 42 times!
This instance of repetition is not in isolation in history, nor it is unbelievable. Learning through repetition activity is not just the same thing twice.

Let us understand why:

  • It is vital for young children to understand the world they live in and to grasp its meaning.
  • A child’s life is filled with overwhelm, uncertainty, and confusion.
  • Children aged 3-6 years search for understanding and predictability in their early years rather than seeking new experiences.
  • Repetition is necessary because it makes a child experience something new every time. Self-confidence and self-worth increase as their understanding grows.

Benefits of Repetition of an Exercise

Whenever a child plays, they learn something new, they move a step ahead. The feeling of mastery makes them feel comfortable, boosts their speed, and strengthens their brain connections for more learning.

Watch the video to learn more about the activities revolving around strengthening the Fine Motor skills (pincer grip, pencil grip, and wrist movements) for young children of the age group 3-6 years. Most of the materials to conduct these activities are readily available at home. Show the child how to perform an activity and ask them to repeat it as many times as they want.

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Video created by Aishwarya | I teach I learn

Primary | Fine Motor | Repetition | (English)

This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.


  • English
  • Fine Motor
  • primary