Parts of a Circle

This geometry lesson is designed for 6-12-year-old children to help them understand different parts of a circle.

It is important to understand shapes and their parts because it helps to understand many complex geometry concepts and solve problems related to circles. These concepts also provide better clarity to children in many areas of mathematics, engineering, science, and other related subjects. This video lesson aims to educate the child about the various parts of a circle, like, the radius, diameter, circumference, and more.

What is a Circle?

A circle is a closed curve that is formed by a set of points that are equidistant from a fixed point. It is one of the most fundamental shapes in geometry, and it is used extensively in various fields of study, including mathematics, engineering, and physics. Understanding the different parts of a circle is essential in solving problems related to circles. Let us discuss the various parts of a circle in detail.

What are the Different Parts of a Circle?

The center, radius, diameter, chord, arc, and sector are all important parts of a circle that have different properties and uses. Let us discuss the various parts of a circle in detail.

Center of the circle

The center of a circle is the point from which all points on the circle are equidistant. It is usually represented by the letter ‘O’. The center of a circle is often used as a reference point when describing other parts of the circle. The distance between any point on the circle and the center is called the radius.


The circumference of a circle is the measurement of the distance around the edge of the circle. It is the sum of all the lengths of the curved edge of the circle. The circumference is an essential property of a circle, and it is used extensively in various fields of study, including mathematics, physics, and engineering. The circumference is related to other parts of the circle, such as the diameter, radius, and arc. It is also used to calculate the area of a circle and to solve problems related to circles.

Area of Circle

The area of a circle is a fundamental concept in geometry that is used extensively in various fields of study, including mathematics, engineering, and physics. It is the measure of the region enclosed by the circle, and it is calculated using the formula A = πr², where A is the area and r is the radius of the circle.


The diameter of a circle is a line segment that passes through the center of the circle and connects two points on the circle. It is twice the length of the radius and is usually represented by the letter ‘d’. The diameter is the longest chord of a circle, and it divides the circle into two equal parts. The diameter is also used to calculate the circumference and area of the circle.


A radius is a line segment that connects the center of the circle to any point on the circle. It is usually represented by the letter ‘r’. All radii of a circle are of the same length. The length of the radius determines the size of the circle. The radius is an essential part of a circle, and it is used to calculate the circumference, area, and other properties of the circle.


A chord is a line segment that connects two points on the circle. It is not necessary for the chord to pass through the center of the circle. The longest chord of a circle is the diameter. The length of the chord is used to calculate the circumference, area, and other properties of the circle.


An arc is a part of the circumference of the circle. It is usually denoted by two letters, with a small arc above them. For example, AB with a small arc above it represents the arc formed by two points A and B on the circle. The length of the arc is used to calculate the circumference, area, and other properties of the circle.


A sector is a region of a circle enclosed by two radii and an arc. It is like a slice of the circle. The area of a sector is proportional to the angle formed by the two radii. Sectors are used extensively in geometry and trigonometry to solve problems related to circles.

Parts of a Circle Usage in Daily Life

The parts of a circle are fundamental in our daily lives and have a wide range of applications. Some of them are:

  • The circumference of a wheel is directly proportional to the distance traveled by the wheel in one full rotation. This concept is used in the design of tires and wheels to ensure optimal performance.
  • Arches and domes are examples of architectural designs that utilize arcs. The use of arcs in architecture not only creates aesthetically pleasing designs but also provides structural strength and stability.
  • Sectors are used to divide a pizza or pie into equal parts, making it easy to share with friends and family. The concept of a sector is also used in navigation, where the angle formed by two radii is used to determine the direction of travel.
  • The diameter and radius of a circle are used to measure the size of circular objects, such as plates or coins. All radii of a circle are of the same length, and the length of the radius determines the size of the circle.
  • The area of a circle is used to calculate the amount of material needed to create circular objects, such as a circular rug or a circular tablecloth. This concept is also used in the design of circular gardens and parks.

Fun Facts about Circles

Here are some fun facts about circles:

  • The circle is the only shape that has an infinite number of lines of symmetry.
  • The circle has the smallest perimeter of any closed shape with a given area.
  • The circle is a symbol of unity, infinity, and perfection in many cultures and religions.
  • The use of circles in art and design dates back to prehistoric times, with examples found in cave paintings and ancient artifacts.
  • The circle is an essential part of many sports, such as basketball, soccer, and hockey, where the ball or puck must be passed or shot into a circular goal or net.
  • The circle is a fundamental concept in music theory, with the circle of fifths used to understand the relationships between different musical keys.

Repeat this activity by asking the child to label the parts of a circle using cutouts, as shown in the video.

Related Video Resources

To watch and learn more math resources, click here.

Video Created by: Justine McNeilly


  • What are the 8 main parts of a circle?

The 8 main parts of a circle are radius, diameter, chord, tangent, arc, sector, segment, and circumference.

  • What is the middle of a circle called?

The middle of a circle is called the center. The distance from the center to any point on the circumference of a circle remains the same.


  • Elementary
  • Geometry
  • Math