hanging clothes to dry

This lesson is designed for parents to help them understand the benefits of teaching the practical life activity of hanging laundry. 

Do you ever consider engaging your child in a chore that is an actual chore? 

Children love to pretend and play roles like doctors, teachers, parents, etc. And they love to observe and mimic what adults are doing. 

Children learn from their surroundings and experience: from what they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. To absorb those experiences and make sense of the world, children need to engage in practical life activities such as hanging clothes, how to use a clothespin, folding clothes, and many more.

The Benefits of Hanging Clothes to Dry

  • It gives children the opportunity to understand and interpret their daily chore responsibilities.
  • It develops social skills by practicing delegation and negotiation skills. 
  • It helps in developing problem-solving skills.
  • It develops emotional skills by demonstrating and expressing their feelings through reenacting certain experiences. It encourages empathy and discipline.
  • It encourages imagination.
  • Learning to listen, look, and speak develops language skills.
  • This is a great way for them to unwind from their busy schedule.

Let’s discuss hanging clothes/ laundry and their benefits. Hanging Laundry is a pretend play/ practical life activity and has a significant effect on children’s ability to pretend, engage in their environment, and make sense of it. 

Benefits of Teaching How to Hang Clothes Activity to the Child

  • It helps to improve fine motor skills when holding and using a clothespin.
  • It strengthens their pincer grip and finger muscles.
  • It boosts self-confidence and promotes independence.
  • It helps in sharing the workload of daily household chores.
  • It also helps the child to develop order and hand-eye coordination.

Materials Required:

  1. Clothespins
  2. Pieces of clothes (wet and dry)

Watch the video on how to hang clothes to dry and teach your preschooler a self-care skill that can help them build important life skills.

Tips to Make Hanging Clothes Activity More Productive

  1. Use child-sized clothes like hand towels, small t-shirts, socks, etc to start with.
  2. Use wet clothes to hang as children love to play with water.

Related Video Resources:

For more practical life lessons, click here.

Video Created by: James Bauckman


  • English
  • parent education
  • parents
  • Practical Life
  • toddler education