
This video lesson is designed for parents. It demonstrates how parents can understand their children through observation.

” we cannot create observers by saying ‘observe’, but by giving them the power and means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.”- A quote by Dr. Maria Montessori

What is an Observation?

Observation is a fundamental principle of Montessori education. When we observe, we remove the urge to jump to conclusions, and biases about the child and situation. In other words, it is a method of viewing a child in an objective and factual manner, just by observing.

Observing children helps parents and teachers understand the strengths and needs of each child. It is the cornerstone of the Montessori philosophy and helps in knowing the child better. Teachers and parents get a sense of their knowledge, needs, interests, skills, and how they learn best.

Why is Observation Important?

Parents can understand the interests and learning styles of children by observing them.

Observation can help answers the below questions

  • Whether children are showing interest in the topic?
  • How does a child respond to transitions and the room routine?
  • How are they performing activities?
  • What is their learning style?
  • What are they trying to master?
  • How do they deal with moments of separation?
  • How do they manage when they don’t get their way?
  • How do they respond and interact with other children?
  • Do they show signs of independence?

Benefits of Observation

  1. It helps in gathering information and details- This helps parents, teachers, and guides to respond rather than react to situations.
  2. It helps in observing changes in a child’s development during their sensitive periods.
  3. It helps parents, teachers, and guides to embrace that every child is unique.
  4. It helps to support a child’s natural intrinsic curiosity.
  5. It helps to identify factors in the environment or with the adult that either help or hinder the child’s holistic development.

Thus, observation helps to understand how to guide the child and provide help when needed. It builds a path to provide more opportunity to focus on a certain skill, adjusting the environment to promote understanding, movement and independence.

Watch to video to know more about the importance of observation in early childhood.

For more practical life lessons, visit https://theglobalmontessorinetwork.org/practical-lessons/.

Video created by Aishwarya | I teach I learn

Parents | Montessori at Home | Observation (English)

This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.


  • English
  • Montessori at home
  • parents