how to grate cheese

This Montessori practical life activity is designed for 3-6-year-old children to guide them on how to grate cheese.  

Children love cheese, and grating cheese is one of the easiest to assemble and easiest to do practical life activities. When teaching food preparation to a child, this is one of the essential activities.

Benefits of Teaching How to Grate Cheese to a Child

  • Helps to develop order, coordination, and independence. 
  • Strengthens the finger muscles and increases concentration.
  • Instills a sense of achievement and contribution as the child helps in preparing food and enables them to carry out daily household chores.
  • Develop the hand movements needed for manipulating a grater
  • Strengthen the hand muscles and prepare them for writing

Material Required for Grating Cheese Activity

  • A child-sized tray.
  • A plate to keep the grater.
  • A grater.
  • A portion of cheese.
  • A storage container.

How to Introduce Grating a Cheese Activity to a Child?

  1. Invite the child to carry the grating tray to the table and say “Today! we are going to learn how to grate cheese.”
  2. Place the grater on the plate, as shown in the video.
  3. Pick the cheese and show the downward stroke needed to grate it.
  4. Grate a small amount of cheese, then put the rest down.
  5. Pick the grater to show the grated cheese to the child.
  6. Show the child how to collect the shavings into a jar or tin for later use.
  7. Ask the child to try.

Invite the child to watch the video and repeat this grating activity to help build their confidence. It also gives the child a sense of accomplishment as they learn to help in preparing food.

Points of Interest:

  • Does the child clinch the grater when grating?
  • Does the child apply enough pressure to create shavings?
  • Does the child keep their fingers and knuckles away from cutting edges?

Other related video resources:

To learn more about Montessori practical life lessons, click here.

Video created by: Strykun Olena


  • English
  • montessori
  • Practical Life
  • primary level