Painting in Montessori

This art lesson is designed for 3-6-year-old children. It allows the child to explore and express themselves artistically.

Children of all ages love to paint. It is also an important part of Montessori’s philosophy. Montessori education emphasizes the importance of sensory experiences and hands-on learning. Children are free to explore and learn at their own pace and in their own way.

How is Painting Different in the Montessori Classroom?

The Montessori method encourages exploration. The child is at the center of education, leading the learning process. This means that there are no ready-made art projects that children are asked to piece together. The child won’t receive strict painting instruction or instruction that tells what to create.

The Montessori approach emphasizes process over product. This means that the child can make their own discoveries, paint what they want, and play with the materials. Even if your child doesn’t end up with a portrait, picture, or other finished product, that’s fine. The goal isn’t to create a masterpiece. Rather, it is to understand how it is created.

How Does Painting Help in Child’s Development?

Art encourages development across several domains. Here are just a few benefits a child can acquire from painting in a Montessori way. 

  • Building fine motor skills – It strengthens children’s eye-hand coordination, finger strength, and dexterity as they manipulate a brush or other painting material.
  • Exploring emotionsArt is a great way to express emotions, especially if a child lacks the vocabulary for full expression.
  • Enhancing decision-making and problem-solving skills They will have to plan when deciding what colors are appropriate for different parts of the painting. Whether they mix their own paint colors or experiment with how to use textures, your child is learning to solve problems and develop critical thinking skills.
  • Exploring other areas of education: Painting can also be a useful tool for children to learn sizes, shapes, patterns, and designs. Also, the child will develop a greater awareness of colors and textures.

Perhaps the greatest benefit is the fact that painting provides you and your children a great platform to bond and spend valuable time together.

Painting can be a significant part of your child’s overall development and upbringing. Making it a point to take some time out to paint with your child can prove to be very rewarding in the long run.

Introduce painting to a child and allow them to express and explore their inner artist by painting scenery, their favorite flower, or a holiday greeting card as shown in the video.

Video Resources :

To know more about how art is introduced in Montessori, click on the below links:

For more arts and crafts resources, visit:

Video created by: Strykun Olena


  • arts and crafts
  • English
  • montessori
  • Montessori at home
  • primary