washing a table

This practical life lesson is designed for 1 to 3-year-old children to teach them how to wash a table. 

The child’s desire to emulate the behavior of adults is natural; they often wish to be “little helpers.” Washing a table helps the child understand the importance of the environment.  Children gain a sense of functional independence and self-confidence with such activities. They also learn how to carry out long sequences of movements, work with concentration, and further develop coordination of their physical body.

Benefits of Learning “How to Wash a Table” 

  • It helps the child to adapt to the environment and culture. 
  • It helps in the refinement of gross and fine motor skills, 
  • It helps in the development of mental order, concentration, self-direction, and functional independence.
  • It enables the child to carry out the daily household chores.
  • It helps strengthen the finger muscles and increases concentration.

Material Required for Table Washing Activity

  • A Spray bottle (filled with water) 
  • A dry cloth

How to Introduce Washing a Table Activity to the Child?

  1. Prepare a table to be washed. 
  2. Invite the child and tell them today we are going to learn how to wash a table
  3. Hold the spray bottle in your hand.
  4. Spray the water on the table.
  5. Scrub the table with a dry cloth.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the table is clean.
  7. In the end, ask the child to return the tray and spray bottle to the cabinet. 

Repeat this activity, as shown in the video by asking the child to wash the table after a meal and instill in them a sense of confidence and independence.

To watch more practical life lessons, click here.

Video Created by: James Bauckman

Related Video Resources :

Some more practical life lessons for your toddler



  • English
  • Practical Life
  • toddler