montessori checkerboard

The Checkerboard is designed for 6-9-year-old children to solve complex multiplication problems.

What is a Montessori Checkerboard?

Montessori Checkerboard is a large rectangular board with color-coded squares. It is used for short and long multiplication with the hierarchies in the decimal system, from 1-100,000,000.
These squares are arranged like other Montessori math materials: green for units, blue for tens, and red for hundreds.

Checkerboards enable children to visualize and generate large numbers and understand the power of multiplication.

Benefits of Multiplication Checkerboard

A multiplication checkerboard enables children to become familiar with combining number quantities. It also reinforces mathematical concepts taught at the primary level, such as number order, problem-solving order, and basic mathematical rules. Like all Montessori math materials, the Multiplication Checkerboard builds on the practice of using physical materials to teach abstract concepts.

The Checkerboard printable is used along with the ten beads and numerical placeholder squares. To create your own checkerboard watch the video here.

Download the checkerboard and help the child improve math concepts and analytical skills.

For related math lessons, visit:

Created and provided by Justine McNeilly (Metro East Montessori, Granite City, IL) under the following license:


  • document
  • Elementary
  • Math
  • printable