This video lesson helps parents recognize and support sensitive periods a child goes through during their early development stages.
What are Sensitive Periods?
Periods of psychological development in a child are called sensitive periods. In other words, it is a moment in time when the child develops an irresistible attraction or interest in something. This can be a skill or an action or a particular aspect of the environment. It gives direction to the unconscious powers a child can attain. During this period, the child can do great things and make significant learnings, like language and movement.
As children grow, they move through five essential stages of development, including order, language, senses, movement, and social skills. As soon as the child has completed a particular stage of development, the sensitive period ends.
A sensitive period can be characterized by mimicking, intense concentration, and compulsive or obsessive behavior. Breaking a child’s routine that they are attempting to understand and master, such as getting dressed, bathing, or bedtime, can result in robust emotional distress such as tantrums, crying, and behavioral change.
How to Recognize and Support Sensitive Periods?
Understanding different sensitive periods gives an opportunity and responsibility. During these moments children are able to absorb information with little effort. It has two aspects; One aspect of recognizing sensitive periods is to understand different stages of a child’s development so that parents can support them. The other aspect is observing a child and allowing them to progress at their own pace. Observation helps us to understand the needs of the child.
Quick Tip: Follow the child, be patient to repeat lessons.
Therefore, we as parents, teachers, and guides need to be mindful, supportive, and positive role models for the children to offer kindness for them to absorb.
To support a child during sensitive periods, provide them with a supportive learning environment that stimulates their development. It includes ensuring the availability of adequate time and materials and respecting your child’s interests and passions. Here are a few ways to support a child during their sensitive period.
- Create order
- Prepare the environment
- Time for movement, exploration, and processing
- Use proper and rich language
- Encourage sensorial exploration
- Provide images at their level to enjoy
- Be patient and empathic
Have you noticed any sensitive periods in your child? Watch the video to know more about sensitive periods and support your child-sensitive periods.
For more practical life lessons, click here.
Video created by Aishwarya | I teach I learn
Parents | Montessori at Home | Sensitive Periods (English)
This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.
- What are sensitive periods?
During a sensitive period, a child shows uncharacteristic motivation to engage in activities aligned with their focus.
- How long does a sensitive period last?
The sensitive period for order begins as the child is born, peaks till the age of 2, and lasts until around age five. As a result of this period of development, children learn how to use reasoning skills, organize information, and comprehend the environment around them.
- Do sensitive periods overlap?
Yes, there are several overlapping sensitive periods in a child’s early development years during which a child is sensitive to specific stimuli or types of interactions.
- English
- Montessori at home
- parents
- parents education