matching pictures

This video lesson is designed for 3-6-year-old children. This language lesson demonstrates how to match two similar pictures.

Matching two similar pictures or two parts of the same picture activities is a fun way to learn new vocabulary. Matching activities are numerous and can be adapted to fit different age groups.

Benefits of Matching Pictures Activities:

  • Introduce new concepts and enhance attention to detail
  • Trains visual memory and improves concentration
  • Boosts cognitive development
  • Builds a sense of order
  • Help to distinguish between things in everyday life.
  • Identify patterns
  • To help categorize things by their characteristics
  • Improve vocabulary
  • Develop thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Develop fine motor skills

Materials Needed for Matching Pictures Activity

  1. A small mat
  2. A container
  3. Pictures of fruits. (Two similar images of each fruit or two images complement each other, forming a fruit.)

How to Introduce Matching Opposite Pictures to the Child?

In this activity, the child matches pairs of opposite pictures with no words.

  1. Carry the tray with the pictures to a mat or a table.
  2. To clear the space, place the tray in one corner of the mat.
  3. Take a set of pictures and line them up on the left side of the mat.  If there are many cards, you will need to make two columns.
  4. Take a picture from the other set, say the word it represents, and compare it with the first picture on the mat by reading. If it's the opposite word, leave it there. If the cards don't match, compare your card with the next cards until you find the opposite word.
  5. Repeat the process with the other pictures until all pictures match.
  6. Once all pictures are matched, say the words they represent.
  7. Pick up each set of pictures, shuffle them, and put them back in the tray.

Note: It is recommended not to laminate the images but to print them and stick them to the cardboard. Because, unlike laminated cards, cardboard is a biodegradable and recyclable material. It is recommended to play with picture matching activities during the sensitive period.

Watch the video to learn the concept of matching similar pictures. Encourage the child to perform matching activities on their own.

Related Video Resources :

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Video created by: Alejandra Jurado

Primary | Language | Decoding and Reading | Matching Pictures (English) | by Alejandra Jurado


  • English
  • Language
  • matching
  • primary