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compound words worksheet


Compound Words Worksheet for Primary Level (Grade 3)

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compound words worksheet

This compound words worksheet is designed for 5-6-year-old (grade 3) children to help them form compound words using root word pictures.

When young readers are just starting to read and write, there are a plethora of lessons to learn, understand and make sense of the written world. 

What are the Compound Words?

Compound words are two words formed by putting together to make a new word with a different meaning. When children learn to create compound words, they can comprehend what they are reading more efficiently and engage in reading. 

Practicing compound words helps a child to build vocabulary and how to decode words. 

How to Practice this Compound Words Worksheet?

Combine two pictures of root words to make a compound word. Let us take an example:

  • A picture of a house and a picture of a boat make the word houseboat.

Let us take another example:

  • A picture of a cup with a picture of a cake makes the word cupcake

The best way to learn a language is to focus on one skill at a time, and there are several language worksheets children can practice as they grow. 

Download the worksheet now!

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