Y to I Rule Worksheet

This Y rule spelling generalization worksheet is designed for the 6-12-year-old children to practice the application of the “Y rule” of spelling.
When the children are firm with the lessons on syllables, and short & long vowels, then they are introduced to the spelling generalization rules. Watch the video for more information on the Y Rule of Spelling.
Y to I Rule of Spelling
Let us revise the Y rule before understanding how to practice this Y rule spelling generalization worksheet.
According to the Y rule in spelling generalization,
If a word ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the y to -i, then add the suffix. For example –
- happy + ness = happiness
- hurry + ed = hurried
- duty + ful = dutiful
- Carry + er = carrier
Variation –The above rule has a variation – If a word ends in y preceded by a consonant, but the suffix carries i as a beginning letter as in -ing then y remains same. For example
- Study + ing = studying
- Fry + ing = frying
Exception – There is an exception to the above rule where -y is preceded by a consonant. But here the letter y does not change to i. For example
- Shy + ly = shyness
- dry + ly = dryly
Perquisites of this Y to Rule worksheet
A child must know the Y to I Rule, its variation, and exceptions.
How to Practice the Y Rule of Spelling Worksheet?
In this worksheet, a child needs to add a suffix to the base word with y to make the new word by following the Y Spelling Rule.
Here a child is provided with the root word with y in the end and the suffix to form the new word.
For example:
- Carry + ed = carried
Here y is preceded by a consonant hence it changes to I when the suffix -ed is added to it.
- Fly + ing = flying
Here also, y is preceded by a consonant, but the suffix begins with the letter i, hence, y would remain as it is in the new word. The new word formed would be flying.
- Shy + ly = shyly
The above example follows the exception to the Y Rule of Spelling.
Encourage the children to read the root word, suffix, and the new word loudly. This helps in better understanding the application of y to i spelling rule and comprehending the rule properly.
Download the worksheet and start practicing the usage of Y spelling rule to form new words.
Note: You can also refer to the video lesson here to understand the Y rule in more detail.
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