Negative Prefixes Worksheet

This Negative Prefixes worksheet is designed for 6-12 years of children to help them practice negative prefixes.
When children learn to read and write, it is important for them to understand affirmative and negative words. It helps them to understand and interpret the different meanings of the word. The addition of a prefix changes the meaning of the word and the complete sentence.
What is a Prefix?
A prefix is a word part that is placed in front of a base word to modify it. A prefix may change the meaning of the word, make it negative, show repetition or indicate opinion. While we add a prefix the spelling of the original or base word does not change.
What are Negative Prefixes?
Negative words are the opposite of affirmative words. It makes the base word negative. To make negative words, we can add negative prefixes to nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
Here are some English negative prefixes: un-/in-/im- /il- /ir. To understand the right placement of each prefix, let us comprehend some rules
Rules to Use These Negative Prefixes
- UN Prefix
Use the ‘un-‘ prefix before words that start with a vowel or consonant. It is commonly used before the words that end with ‘ed’ and ‘able’.
For example, touched–untouched, Believable–Unbelievable
- IL Prefix
Use the ‘il-‘ prefix before words that start ‘l’. For example, legal–illegal, logical-illogical
- IM Prefix
Use the ‘Im-‘ prefix before words that start with m or p. For example, moral–immoral, possible-impossible
- IR Prefix
Use the ‘ir-‘ prefix before words that start with r. For example, regular–irregular, resistible-irresistible.
- IN Prefix
Use the ‘in-‘ prefix with words that start with consonants and vowels, but not i or u. For example, accurate–inaccurate, eligible-ineligible.
How to Practice the Negative Prefixes Worksheet?
Carefully read and comprehend the rules mentioned above. Then read the sentences mentioned in the worksheet. Add the correct prefix before the word that carries blanks. Rewrite the sentence with the negative word.
For example, in the sentence, I have an __rational fear of snakes.
Correct answer: I have an irrational fear of snakes. (Here, the word rational starts with ‘r’, therefore, as per the above rules, the prefix Ir- is applicable)
Let us take another example: Anna is an __mature person.
Correct answer: Anna is an immature person. (Here, the word mature starts with ‘m’, therefore, as per the above rules, the prefix Im- is applicable)
This Negative prefixes worksheet will help the child to practice placing the correct prefix before the word to form a negative word from the base word.
When the children would write the complete sentence with correct negative prefixes, it would be easier for them to comprehend all the rules.
Download the negative prefixes worksheet to practice the concept of negative prefixes and how they change the meaning of words and sentences.
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